I know, it's been a long time from my last post; shame on me!
But if you are so kind in being still interested in my artworks, you can find the new ones here: http://fedzeppelin.blogspot.it/
I'm trying to be a good girl and to keep on posting every copule of days.
I hope to see you all on my new online portfolio, in any case it's been a pleasure and an honor to share a part of my way with you, guys.
Take care.
Lo so, sono sparita per un sacco di tempo; sono inquialificabile.
Ma se foste ancora interessati nei mei lavori, potete trovarne di nuovi qui: http://fedzeppelin.blogspot.it/
Sto cercando di fare la brava e di aggiornare il blog ogni paio di giorni.
Spero di vedervi tutti da quelle parti, in ogni caso sappiate che è stato un piacere e un onore dividere con voi questo pezzo di cammino.
Fate i bravi.
fed zeppelin in the wonderland
venerdì 31 gennaio 2014
mercoledì 26 giugno 2013
Post-apocalypse in Italy
Some posts ago I tried to do a post-apocalyptic version of TempleBar in Dublin. That was just a game and I almost forgot about that untill my friend Elsa asked me to make a post-apocalyptic version of Roma. After that I start enjoying this a lot and I made a post-apocalyptic version of Milano too.
So, here there are my post-apocalyptized Italian cities, I'm thinking to go on and improve my tecniques so guess which city will be the next one? At the moment I don't have a given idea!
Alcuni post fa ho provato a creare una versione post apocalittica di TempleBar a Dublino. Era solo un esperimento e me ne ero quasi dimenticata finché la mia amica Elsa non mi ha chiesto di provare a fare una versione di Roma post apocalittica. A quanto pare ci ho preso gusto perché poi ho fatto una versione post apocalittica anche di Milano.
Dunque, ecco qui le mie città italiane postapocalitticizzate, penso che continuerò e cercherò di migliorare la tecnica, quindi chissà a quale città toccherà ora? Al momento non ne ho idea neanche io.
So, here there are my post-apocalyptized Italian cities, I'm thinking to go on and improve my tecniques so guess which city will be the next one? At the moment I don't have a given idea!
Alcuni post fa ho provato a creare una versione post apocalittica di TempleBar a Dublino. Era solo un esperimento e me ne ero quasi dimenticata finché la mia amica Elsa non mi ha chiesto di provare a fare una versione di Roma post apocalittica. A quanto pare ci ho preso gusto perché poi ho fatto una versione post apocalittica anche di Milano.
Dunque, ecco qui le mie città italiane postapocalitticizzate, penso che continuerò e cercherò di migliorare la tecnica, quindi chissà a quale città toccherà ora? Al momento non ne ho idea neanche io.
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Post-apocalyptic Roma: Piazza di Spagna |
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Post-apocalyptic Milano: Piazza Duomo |
digital art,
science fiction
venerdì 24 maggio 2013
Miss January
We’re very pleased to announce that Neil has chosen your artwork as one
of his runners-up for the month of January."
Those 24 words are the beginning of an e.mail I got on March 22nd from BlackBerry Keep Moving Team; those 24 words almost caused me an heart attack.
Let's explain what did happen: some months ago I was dicking around on deviantart.com as I often use to, and, in my message box, I spot an adv for a BlackBerry contest. I've a looser attitude I know it and I'm trying to fight against this point of my character but it's still very rare I read this kind of advertising till the end; I use to stop within 5 lines: the good time to make me persuaded I'm not able to take part to the contest or I'm not really interested in. This time something make me read the advertisment till the end and that thing was the name Neil Gaiman clearly visible in the headline (that and the fact the text was quite short).
Shortly the adv explained mr Gaiman wrote 12 short stories, one for every month, basing on some tweets he himself had chosen in a previous part of the contest, and he was inviting whoever to illustrate them. All you had to do was to dawnload the short-stories, read them, pick-up one of them, make an illustration and upload it on the dedicated web page; then it will be up to Gaiman to choose his favourite ones to be featured in the digital A Calendar of Tales.
Now, I'm not an absolute lover of every Gaiman's work (let's say I even don't like some of his works), but Neil Gaiman was the one who taught me to look to comic books using completely dofferent eyes (it's not I become a Corinthian stealing people's eyes anyway), some of his works went along with me during those complicate, absurd years that are between childhood and being an adult and sometimes, when I look behind my shoulders, I have to admit Sandman has been influencing my unconscious and my personal and career choices more than it's recommended for a comic series.
And, since it would be Neil himself the one to choose the illustrations, I hand the possibility to let the hero of my teenage know I do exist (yep you can have a lot of bizarre heroes during you teenage such as the Italian actor Bud Spender or the basketball player Dino Menegin and so on...). Neil Gaiman would watch my art work: perhaps he would like it, pheraps definitely not but I didn't care so much: HE WOULD WATCH MY ARTWORK; he would know that somewhere in the world there is FedZeppelin, that thing alone was a triumph.
So I downloaded the shortstories, printed them, read them all during one night (not a big deal really; they are very short), I loved some of them, I just liked some others and I just didn't like a couple of them; but I was very sure from the first moment I would make an art work based on January Tale. That wasn't my favourite one, the easier to illustrate neither but - I don't know why - it was the one which had a sort of correspondance in my mind, maybe because its asmosphere but is sounded sort of familiar to me.
I started work on a photomanipulation (you sow it at the top of this entry or, if you like - and please make me happy and do this - on the project page here): I took photos, searched between my files, looked for the help of some friends of mine (and I use this entry to say thanks to them: Valberici who long long time ago gave me the X-ray of his damaged eye and Luca who use to assemble such beautiful dioramas that I use part of one of them for my version of the character of Twelve).
At the end of all this I sent my artwork.
When they sent to me the e.mail telling me Neil (writing just the name was an idea of them not mine) shortlisted my work for the final selection and asking me to send an higher resolution file my heart stopped beating for a moment and what I thought was (in this very order): "so that's what a mail of good news looks like!" (I'm such a collector of "We are sorry to..." shaped mail and know very very well how they look like) and "OMG! OMG! Gaiman saw an illustration of mine and he liked it! Whatever will happen I won! The hell what happens now!"
And then the things went better than I can expect: surprisingly, some days later, I found in my e.mail box the letter I wrote in the beginning of this entry and I had to wait till A Calendar of Tales was officially online to spread the news all over the world.
In the meanwhile I wrote this blog entry again and again and again in my mind looking for the better form to share with you all my happiness. That is a small victory against my bad attitudes and that gives me the strength to keep on working.
And if when I was 14 they told that to me I would never never believe this: Neil Gaiman chosen my artwork.
digital art,
fan art - books,
science fiction
lunedì 5 novembre 2012
Death Is Just A Feeling
Some weeks ago, listening to this song I started to think to an illustration about a lich.
Now the work is still in progress: I finished my first step some days ago, then I sent the picture to my friend Sara, who's a very good artist too as you can see in her deviantart page, and she worked on the ink version.
Here there is the artwork at this point.
Here there is the artwork at this point.
Next step will be the digital colour I'll do (I hope very very soon). Look forward for that.
Qualche settimana fa, ascoltando la canzone qui sopra ho iniziato a pensare a un'illustrazione che vedeva un lich come protagonista.
Ora sono ancora al lavoro: ho inito le matite qualche giorno fa e poi le ho mandate alla mia amica Sara che, come potete vedere dalla sua pagina su deviant, è anche una meravigliosa artista.
Ecco il risultato a questo punto.
La prossima mossa sarà la colorazione digitale. Restate sintonizzati.
fan art - music,
traditional art,
work in progress
lunedì 8 ottobre 2012
Warriors from the mist
Made for my portfolio some months ago, ink and digital colour.
Fatta un po' di tempo fa per il mio book, china e colore digitale.
Fatta un po' di tempo fa per il mio book, china e colore digitale.
digital color,
mercoledì 3 ottobre 2012
Don't Blink
Sorry I forgotten this blog for a while, but lot of things happened and I had no so much time to keep on uploading this blog. Now I'm back and I've a lot of arts to put on theese pages, so, here we start with two photomanipulations that are really good for this period.
This photomanipulations are inspired by the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who TV show and I did them mixing my usual stuff and some photos I took in my walking in Cemeteries all around Europe.
This photomanipulations are inspired by the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who TV show and I did them mixing my usual stuff and some photos I took in my walking in Cemeteries all around Europe.
Hope you'll enjoy.
Scusatemi se sono sparita per un po', ma sono successe un sacco di cose e non ho avuto molto tempo per continuare ad aggiornare il blog. Eccomi di nuovo e ho un sacco di lavori da pubblicare su queste pagine. Cominciamo subito con due fotomanipolazioni che sono particolarmente a tema in questo periodo.
L'ispirazione viene dagli angeli piangenti del telefilm Doctor Who e sono fatti mischiando materiale vario e foto che ho fatto nelle mie passeggiate nei cimiteri europei.
Spero vi piacciano.
Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't blink. Good luck.
Non ti girare, non distogliere lo sguardo, e non sbattere le palpebre. Buona fortuna!
lunedì 27 febbraio 2012
Cartoonizing Robertina
Same name but another friend.
"What about me? Roberta is my name too!" she asked me when she saw my last art work, so here there are her portraits:
Stesso nome ma un'altra amica.
"E io? anche io mi chiamo Roberta!" mi ha detto quando ha visto il mio ultimo lavoro, così ecco i suoi ritratti:
"What about me? Roberta is my name too!" she asked me when she saw my last art work, so here there are her portraits:
Stesso nome ma un'altra amica.
"E io? anche io mi chiamo Roberta!" mi ha detto quando ha visto il mio ultimo lavoro, così ecco i suoi ritratti:
digital color,
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